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Join The Flower Room



Does this sound familiar…….

“ I’m working for friends and family but not charging my worth.”
“I don’t know how to generate more interest in my flowers?”
“I’m just not making any money despite working hard.”
“ I’m not sure who my ideal client is?”

“ I feel overwhelmed!!! There is so much advice out there but I’m not sure where to start?”

“I’m tired of being on my own and not knowing what to do next!”

“I feel deflated”.


Don’t worry, we’ve all felt like this at some point!

Being a florist is tough, it’s not just the “ nice to do job” that so many people think it is, the flowers are the nice to do bit, it’s generating the clients and building our business that’s the challenge!! I know from experience just how incredibly stressful, frustrating and lonely it can be, not to mention costly!!!!


That’s why I set up THE FLOWER ROOM, to bring together a community of aspiring, motivated florists, supporting one another to work smarter, not harder, florists who are keen to champion one another, provide encouragement and feedback, florists on a mission to

achieve their goals and dreams!!


THE FLOWER ROOM is designed for ALL florists, whether you’re just starting out or a few years in, with the sole aim to support you to grow and scale your business. So if you want to………

Start charging your worth……….
Be visible …..
Start making money for you……….
Know who your ideal client is and start attracting them …….
Understand the business steps that you need to take ………..
Be part of a supportive and engaging community that doesn’t cost the earth……..
Start believing that you can……..
...then you need to join THE FLOWER ROOM.




What can I expect from THE FLOWER ROOM?


An exclusive Facebook group for support, feedback and accountability, with value posts and top tips. A members platform with a resource bank of monthly trainings, with challenges designed to encourage you to move forward and take the next step in your business.  
Exclusive practical step by step master-classes, with supportive notes.
Practical members training, an opportunity for members to showcase their talents, if you want too?!!!! 
Every month I’ll invite in paid guest experts to discuss all things social media, web sites, photography, Canva, money mindset and so much more. 
Industry experts, wholesalers, pricing experts, sustainability experts, authors, product based experts etc to showcase what our industry has to offer.
Social sessions once a month, an opportunity to get to know one another and ask those all important questions.
Accountability buddies, someone who’s going to champion your corner and support you to take the next step. 
Challenges and competitions, with prizes!!! 
Discounts  - 20% discount of all tuition fees for all my courses plus discounts from some of our guest speakers.

NB All trainings and guest speakers will be recorded, so if you miss anything you can catch up later or if you want to revisit anything you can do.
All for £33.00 per month.

Please be assured, there is no tie in to this membership club, if you’re not happy, or not seeing the results you want then you can leave at any time, just send me an email.





So how do I know that it can be tough? …….. When I opened my shop in 2009, I thought I had it in the bag, how hard could it be, I’d been a floristry lecturer for 18 years, had a level 5 qualification
and lots of practical experience? It didn’t take long before I realised just how hard it could be!!!!! I had my shop for all of two years, I made so many mistakes! I didn’t know how to generate more
clients, I wasted so much time and whilst I walked away debt free, I lost money in the process. I felt such a failure, I was miserable, embarrassed and my confidence was at rock bottom, I’d failed
spectacularly in my dream to have a rewarding business!!!!

Looking back now, I know how incredibly naive I was, the flowers are only a small part of being
a successful florist, there is so much more!!! It was at this point though that I realised if I wanted to
have a successful business, one where I had my ideal clients coming through the door, one where
I paid myself a decent wage, I needed to invest time and money in my own self improvement, I
had to commit to being better, otherwise I was never going to reach my goals. Fast forward a few
years, huge investments made, lots of late nights researching, I thankfully now have a successful
business, specialising in luxury wedding flowers ( prior to lockdown). I now make the money I
deserve, now get regular enquiries, now convert enquiries into bookings, now take on ideal clients,
now generate a minimum spend and all at the same time as loving what I’m doing!!!!!! This can be
you too……..

And this is why I set up The FLOWER ROOM, so that I could share with you my experiences and knowledge, to help and support you in an affordable way, so like me you can realise your dreams and turn your passion into profit!!!


Join THE FLOWER ROOM today …… together lets make a difference
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Henry Ford



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